Purpose and Mission
No other people in American history have been more demoralized, dehumanized, colonized and subjugated than African Americans and Africans. The writing of "The Negro a Beast or in the Image of God," evidences to what extent white supremacy has went to define Africans as less than human and of lesser intelligence.
Being born and brainwashed into European culture and religion, African Americans are the preverbal "Boiling Frogs" to our own destruction if we do not get out of the water soon. Our mission is to deprogram the Whitewashed Minds of Afro-Americans who have lost their identity and the richness of our Ancient African Story, Culture and Spirituality before it is lost FOREVER!
Prior to the whitewashing, and Christianization of the African Mind, our ancestors were a strong Spiritual people who respected Mother Earth and sought her guidance, wisdom and understanding of nature, ourselves and the universe.
Christianity IS NOT OUR STORY, it is the story given to us by our would be oppressors. You are Christian because you were COLONIZED, not because you chose it! In order to return to that which empowers us, we must walk away from the subjugation of Christian religious dogma and return to the richness and Spirituality of our once hidden ancient African history and culture. We must return to a "Spiritual Knowing" and not "Blind Believing" in man made gods.
This education is not about hating your past oppressors. It's about Loving Yourself. Afro-American Self-Hate is alive and well, and it begins in childhood. The Colonized Public "Fool Systems" DO NOT teach the history of our African Story. Therefore we must teach the children ourselves.
Self-Hate is when the Afro-American refuses to identify, practice and honor their true ancient African cultural identity. Programmed belief in the slave master's religion of Christianity has successfully whitewashed the Afrocentric Mind to European thought, culture and traditions. This education will expose and empower you with knowledge of self. "YOU CANNOT LOVE WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW." Prof. James Small
This powerful Afro-American man in the photo to the left is my father. He is the descendant of many African Kings and Queens of our ancient ancestors before him. He fathered a tribe of six with my mother, his queen, and was the first born from a tribe of twenty three. After being called nigger one time too many by his then racist white privileged employer, he quit his job on the spot and became an independent self taught businessman in the field of electronics never having to answer to any man again. I am the son that walked in his shadow, watched his every move, adopted his independent mindset and chose not to be a victim at the hands of any man or his ideology.
Your Knowledge of Self is the key that will unlock the fear you may have of letting go of the programmed religious belief given to you by your oppressor, not by any God. Right now, most Africans are operating from European religious dogma and not the true innate spirituality passed on to you by your ancestors. It involves returning to a deep awareness of ourselves and letting go of the adverse effects European Christianization has had and continues to have on our people. Religion is the primary tool that creates division and lack of economic growth and development of our people.
Founding Fathers Fighting For Melanational Unity
Culture is Identity
Black Child Self-Hate
About the Afrocentric Author of Now Know Thyself
"Until You Know OUR-STORY Written More Than 10,000 Years Before HIS-STORY of 1611 A.D., Only Then Will You Know and LOVE YOUR STORY"
Frederick Douglas July 5, 1852 Fourth of July Speech
Every year in America, Millions of Afro-Americans celebrate the Fourth of July in complete and utter disregard of the fact that our ancestors were DEEP IN CHAINS for more than 100 years after 1776, Independence Day under the brutal control of the slave masters whips, chains, mutilation and death. How do I know, because like you, and through mis-education and socialized dedicated ignorance, I once celebrated that day as if our ancestors were free. Why? Because it was the tradition I was socialized by my parents, media, altered African history and the public Fool system to celebrate. Once I found out more than 20 yeas ago what it really represented, I stopped recognizing that day along with Thanksgiving (Slaughter of the Indigenous Native Indians and Africans) and the Christmas celebration of the plagiarized Jesus Christ with is a pen stroked deity who never existed. But your great ancient ancestor King Tut (Tutankhamun) who lived 1341 B.C.E., before the Euro-Gentile Greco-Roman creation of Jesus Christ exists to this very day!
The video below is a speech that was given by Frederick Douglass on July 5, 1852. It is being read by his young and informed Afrocentric Fifth Generation offspring. The speech is a testament to the Douglas's legacy, his unwillingness to sellout to white supremacy and his continued struggle in the fight for the conscious liberation and freedom of future generations of the Afrocentric bloodline. His book was the first book I ever read cover to cover twice that led me to my own freedom. If you could at least take a moment to honor the legacy and contribution of this great ancestor in this moment by watching this short but powerful video, I implore you to do so. Thank you for visiting our website, as I hope you join me in my question to liberate your African mind.
The Negro A Beast or In the Image of God is one of many books that left footprints in the sands of White Supremacy. Afro-American enslavement differs from all others in that it has been woven into the fabric of both Religion and American Juris Prudence unlike any other historically enslaved people.
Like the young and beautiful Afro-American offspring of Frederick Douglass reading what their grandfather five generations removed wrote, we need to remain connected or reconnect to the origins of our great ancestors. If you take no educational interest in anything else on this website, you owe it to your ancestor Frederick Douglass and many other ancestors who shed their blood so the chains of their generation would not make it to your generation. Listen to what he wrote and stated when asked to deliver a speech to African slave owners while his people were still under the brutal control of slavery. Because you did not personally suffer as our ancestors did, you may minimize of write off the sacrifices that were made so that you might see a better tomorrow. Please be advised that you are the creation of every ancestor before you. If you should be so corrupted and consumed by your meager success, possessions or worldly fame, the ancestors have taken notice. We are all beams of light energy dialed into a cosmic frequency that never ends, merely transcends. May your frequency be of such nature that you honor your ancestors in thoughts and deeds.
$100,000K PROVE ME WRONG CHALLENGE: The challenge is simple. I have listed a summary of information from both INSIDE and OUTSIDE of your bible that I have thoroughly researched, investigated and sherardized. From that, I am of the conviction that no empirical evidence exists that could begin the convert, disprove or support a position in opposition to what I have been able to prove. To win the $100,000 Dollars, all you need to do is produce empirical evidence sufficient to disprove only One (1) of the plethora of facts I have discovered regarding the true history of the religion you currently practice, Christianity in particular.am so confident that the truth supported by the fully researched facts and information on this website, I will sign a contract that guarantees the first person to prove me wrong a $100,000 payout no questions asked. I realize this is a difficult challenge, but if what you have been taught to believe can be proven to be the Word of the God, the Creator of the Universe and everything in it, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
AFRO-AMERICANS MUST STOP EATING THE TABLE SCRAPS OF THE SLAVEMASTER: I must admit that my father believed in the slave master's religion of Christianity because like me and my siblings, he did not choose his religious beliefs. They were taught to him by his parents no different than any other southern raised bible belt descendant of our then enslaved ancestors. Those times have come to pass now as we are living in the age of information allowing us to research, investigate and discover the origins of our true Spirituality and ancient African Kemetic-Egyptian ancestry. I am the proud deprogrammed Non-Christian pro Afrocentric Black Sheep of his offspring seeking to break the last bond of slavery suffered by millions of descendants our African Nation continue to cling due to a loss of identity. My target audience is the up and coming generation of Afro-Americans not yet hardwired to Christian religious dogma as they are the root. The Last Bond of Slavery is the Branding Iron of the Slave Master's brutal, racist pagan religion called Christianity.
Now Know Thyself Guest Book
" The Biggest Threat To America Is Black Unity."
J. Edgar Hoover, Former Head of the FBI
If you don't believe that subjecting African American children to an exclusively Eurocentric Colonized Public "Fool System" while not taking the time to teach that child the Origins of our rich Ancient Spiritual African Kemetic-Egyptian Culture and Traditions, I URGE YOU TO CLICK THE VIDEO TO THE RIGHT! If that does not convince you, NOTHING WILL! SELF-HATE IS THE EFFECT!